Under Rajiv Awaas Yojana Scheme any person who is born and residing in the State of Goa sice last 15 years and whose father and mother is born in Goa and where the total income including that of his family from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1 lakh and who does not own any house or owns a house either in his/her own name or in the name of any of the family meembers, which requires repairs, shall be eligible to avail the benifits of this scheme. The Director of Panchayats is the sanctioning authorithy for the rural areas and The Director of Social Welfare is the sanctioning authorithy for urban areas. Under this scheme an amount of Rs.25,000/- shall be sanctioned for the purpose construction of new house and 12,500/- for the purpose of repairing an existing house. The eligible applicants who require assistance under this scheme are required to submit the application in the prescribed form to the respective Block Developmen Officer with all the required documents.