Goa Panchayat Parishad established in the year 1983 with its office at 115, Ramchandra building, Mapusa.The Directorate releases an amount of Rs.10000/-to the Parishad every year to undertake various activities. There are Mahila Mandals in the villages Organized and register under the Societies Act. Of 1860. The Directorate sanctions unconditional grants to Mahila Mandals in order to take up Social activities and to create Awareness among the Rural Woman’s for Participation in Panchayat Raj. After registration of the new Mahila Mandals,it is eligible for a grant of Rs.1000/- for the first year and there after an amount of Rs.500/- is released to each Mahila Mandals every year as annual grant.
The All India Panchayat Parishad and the Mahila Mandals are required to submit Utilization Certificate of Grants sanctioned to them every year.