Under the Rural Garbage Disposal scheme the State Government provides funds to the Village Panchayats for acquisition of land for garbage sites and for development of the garbage collection site and other facilities required for disposal of Garbage. Under the scheme the village Panchayats are required to segregate the garbage at source into bio – degradable and non-biodegradable waste. The bio-degradable waste is to be vermin – composted through the process of vermiculture for which the Panchayats are required to construct composting pits. The cost of collection, transportation, segregation, storage processing and disposal of Garbage is also borne by the Government to the extent of 98% and the balance 2% is to be borne by the Village Panchayat, for the first 3 years. On the expiry of this period, the entire cost is to be borne by the Village Panchayats. Detailed guidelines have been annexed to the scheme so as to assist the Panchayats in disposal of the garbage in a hygienic and scientific manner.